lunes, 10 de marzo de 2014

. riesgo, del 23 .

the creak of chain link, too often used by horror films to provoke fear in the hearts of their spectators, rings of happiness, sounding more like squeals of joy singing rhythmically to the beat of my to and fro than anything else. little feet floating above a red mulch with a deep forest smell reveal each perfectly calculated movement. as they push forth side by side and pressed tightly together, arms stretch out, elbows lock, spine tips back, head leans so the face gazes skyward. now knees bend and tuck feet beneath body, toes pointing back, tiny hands pulling with elbows bent and torso pushed forward. my science, this pattern i have long studied. i continue the prescribed movements, repeating one, then the other. i plan my next step, carefully counting each breath, each lean, each dip. legs bend, forward lean, breathe. extend, lean back, breathe. legs bend, forward lean, breathe. extend, lean back, breathe, prepare-- release!

my fingers extend, following my soaring body, frozen midair, breath choked, ecstatic.

three gusts of wind blow past me, and i see my feet plummet.

the red much comes up to meet me, embracing every gasp of my adventure, praising every rejected doubt.

i turn my body and face the sky once more, chest heaving, ankles throbbing, cheeks sore from the smiles that abound.

there's magic in that mulch.

flying is magical, indeed. but it is in landing that my true love is found.

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