martes, 15 de diciembre de 2009

[deleuze y guattari on kafka]

hacia una literatura menor

p 16: "A minor literature doesn't come from a minor language; it is rather that which a minority constructs within a major language.  But the first characteristic of minor literature in any case is that in it language is affected with a high coefficient of deterritorialization."

p 17: "The second characteristic of minor literatures is that everything in them is political.  In major literatures, in contrast, the individual concern (familial, marital, and so on) joins with other no less individual concerns, the social milieu serving as a mere environment or a background... Minor literature is completely different; its cramped space forces each individual intrigue to connect immediately to politics.  The individual concern thus becomes all the more necessary, indispensable, magnified, because a whole other story is vibrating within it." ... "The third characteristic of minor literature is that in it everything takes on a collective value.  ... what each author says individually already constitutes a common action, and what he or she says or does is necessarily political, even if others aren't in agreement.  The political domain is contained in every statement (énoncé).  ... [I]f the writer is in the margins or completely outside his or her fragile community, this situation allows the writer all the more the possibility to express another possible community and to forge the means for another consciousness and another sensibility."

p 17-18: "The literary machine thus becomes the relay for a revolutionary machine-to-come, not at all for ideological reasons but because the literary machine alone is determined to fill the conditions of a collective enunciation that is lacking elsewhere in this milieu: literature is the people's concern. ... There isn't a subject; there are only collective assemblages of enunciation, and literature expresses these acts insofar as they're not imposed from without and insofar as they exist only as diabolical powers to come or revolutionary forces to be constructed."

p 18: "The three characteristics of minor literature are the deterritorialization of language, the connection of the individual to a political immediacy, and the collective assemblage of enunciation."

jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2009

[from someone's facebook, stolen]

about me:

yeah, you know
or i guess you don't
considering you're reading this
is it weird that i start a new line instead of putting periods, or commas, or semicolons, or dashes, etc.
to represent natural breathing places?
i think it might make it seem like i don't care for grammar
or anything of the sort
i do i've just adopted this way of typing
i'm enjoying writing this
even though i'm not really giving much info about me
or maybe my random rambling (sorry if that's redundant)
is giving you insight on my life
hey you
what's up
that's right i'm talking to you
whoever you are
i hope you're enjoying reading this as much as i'm enjoying writing it
i'm excited for tomoro
it's gonna be a great day
good things are gonna happen
hey, sorry if my "gonna" bugs you
it's my guilty pleasure
that and almost NEVER capitalizing "i"
oh and never spelling tomoro the right way
i've given up
i've spelled it wrong too many times
i'm done typing in this box

peace =]

(just became a fan of hers- after the backslash: profile.php?id=705600130&ref=ts)

martes, 1 de diciembre de 2009


si no cambio de posición pronto
tendré el perfil de mi mano izquierda
marcado en mi cachete

permanentemente quizás

y taparía los demás perfiles previamente escondidos junto a mi perfil
      (on second thought, scratch that)

¿taparía los demás perfiles previamente escondidos junto a mi perfil?

espero nunca conocer una pesadilla real.